Since the start of our business in 1968, sustainability has been close to our hearts
As pioneers of circular business models, we have been running sustainable business by enabling the reuse of products and swing units for many years.
It all comes from an early understanding of how we and our business affect our planet and what impact we can have on our customers’ behaviors around products, wear and use. Therefore, we are keen to support you throughout the product life cycle and further into the next.
“For generations to come“
– Martin Malmvik, CEO Axel Johnson International
As a company we work exclusively with renovations, we do not carry out short-term repairs. Our own cycle of quality controlled spare parts and exchange units contributes to reduced environmental impact and lower costs through reuse and remanufacturing.
Trans-Auto supports you with products and services adapted to extend and optimize the use of your particular product.
We have been quality and environmentally certified since 2002 within SS-EN ISO 9001:2015 and SS-EN ISO 14001:2015. In 2020 we will also aim for a certification within SS-EN ISO 45001:2018.
Our management system supports our continuous and systematically develop– and improvement in our way of working with a focus on customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
In our work, we prioritize being risk-conscious in terms of quality, environment and occupational health and safety. We work actively to minimize our risks and impact on our stakeholders. With our values: Good to work with, Far-sighted and Making things happen leading us on, we are constantly working on development and new opportunities in our product areas. We want to contribute to a long-term, sustainable society.